Car Boot Sale
Club Functions 4 of 4

4. Car Boot Sale

Sunday Carboot season will run from Sunday 3rd March to 27th October 2024

Wednesday Carboot will run from 1st May to 25th September 2024

The Wednesday Carboot continues to grow in size this season, which gives both sellers and buyers options.

Car Boot Season – Starts 3rd March and the last car boot of the season is Sunday 27th October 2024

Sunday: Open up 05:00am until 9.00am for sellers.

Please be aware on a Sunny day the carboot can be full for sellers by around 8am on a Sunday morning.

Season: through to 27th October 2024

Commences 1st Wednesday in May — through to 25th September 2024

Trading hours between 9am and 12:00pm, with entry allowed onto the grounds from 8:30am.

Entry is on a first come first served basis and prices are the same for both days. Tenders for Catering are invited in February each year and should be addressed to the Secretary at Blaydon RFC Please note: The sale of any food and beverage items is restricted to only those with agreed catering permission.

Sellers Rates
Sellers Rates
Lorry: £21
Van – Large: £16
Van – Small: £13
Car with trailer: £13
Car: £10

Car Boot Entry

Adult: £1.00
Senior Citizen: £0.50